About Us




Sweet Peas is an educational gymnastics program centered in an active learning setting. We provide excellent developmental, social, and educational experiences for children beginning at 6 months of age. Our program is progressive, innovative, and delivered in a clean, fresh, safe facility.

Early childhood provides important windows of development opportunity. Basic components of a child’s neural development are genetically coded, however, trillions of finer neural connections are unprogrammed, and they are heavily influenced by enriching early childhood experiences.

Sweet Peas Gymnastics provides movement and sensory based activities that are FUN and developmentally loaded! We are very passionate about this.
The Sweet Peas Educational Gymnastics curriculum helps forge the architecture of a child’s brain that will serve him or her for a lifetime.

  • Founded in educational gymnastics, the Sweet Peas curriculum focuses on age appropriate gymnastics activities that foster balance, coordination, core strength, motor planning, bilateral awareness, and flexibility.
  • Sweet Peas provides important life lessons in self awareness, courage, success, and friendship.
  • The Sweet Peas curriculum is centered around excellent, progressive gymnastics training that also incorporates color recognition, language development,spacial relations, music awareness, and counting skills. Sweet Peas learn how to listen to their teacher, follow instructions, and wait for their turn. They learn to enjoy their own achievements and to encourage and applaud the success of their friends.